Galerie Nord, Berlin, 2003. Installation. General view. Cardboard, glue, plastic carrier bags, varnish. „A – Qualität zum tollen Preisen“ 70 x 100 x 50 cm.; „N – plus Punkt“ 60 x 120 x 35 cm.;
„O – der frische Genuss“ 35 x 80 x 20 cm.; „VW – nicht besser als wir“ 90 x 100 90 cm.

In a new version of consumer symbols, the internationally known structure and image of the specific brand coalesce outside and inside.

The objects are made out of cardboard and wrapped with parts of plastic carrier bags. The outside is an attrac­tive and colourful construction, and has, as oppossed to the inside, an irregular and chaotic structure.

The omnipresent trademark with image and associated slogans serves the systematic association of the brand with the existent myths. The various ways of playing the game of consumerism by combining images and words evoke a whole range of new associations in the consumer. This reduces the communication strategies of the global player to their essence.