Most individuals associate colors with specific – sometimes universal – values or feelings.
However, the psychological power of colors has led different cultures to imbue colors with a meaning corresponding to their beliefs, confirming the cultural particularities of a world that perceives its – our – reality in divergent ways. But, as shown in this art action, each person also infuses each color with a different meaning, according to the experience that they have accumulated.
The project “Eingeschriebene Texte als Utopie” [Inscribed Texts as Utopia], was complemented by an art action aimed at identifying the “self” by choosing a color.
For this, we printed 600 cards that read on one side the word “I” in German (ICH), and “I” in Arabic (ANA)
on the other side. Then we invited the public to choose one or more cards with the color of their choice. The colors used for this art action are imbued with the meanings given to them by different cultures.
When choosing a color and turning the card, the person finds that there is another cultural correspondence to the chosen color and another language that questions the assumptions that underlie his or her choice.